How to Wear Multiple Stoles at Graduation: A Complete Guide

Can you wear multiple stoles for graduation

Graduation is a major milestone in life, and you want to look your best as you cross that stage. Wearing multiple stoles is one of the ways graduates show off their achievements, affiliations, and unique identities. But knowing how to wear multiple stoles at graduation without feeling overwhelmed or looking cluttered is key. This guide will explain how to do it right!

And hey, if you’ve been looking for tips on graduation stoles and came across the name Weiweics during your search, you’re in the right place! We’ll also explain why wearing multiple stoles is a growing trend and how to make it work for you.

How to Wear Multiple Stoles at Graduation: What Exactly Is a Graduation Stole?

Before diving into how to wear multiple stoles, let’s first make sure we’re on the same page about what a stole is. A graduation stole is a long, decorative cloth worn over the shoulders, usually signifying membership in an organization, special accomplishments, or cultural heritage. It’s different from your graduation gown and cap, and while not mandatory, many graduates choose to wear them as part of their outfits to highlight their achievements.

Why Wear Multiple Stoles?

You might be wondering: “Why would anyone wear more than one stole?” Here are a few reasons:

  1. Showcase Various Achievements: If you’ve been involved in multiple honor societies, cultural groups, or extracurricular activities, each organization may offer its stole. Wearing them together allows you to proudly show your diverse accomplishments.
  2. Cultural Representation: Many students wear cultural stoles to represent their heritage. If you come from a multicultural background, wearing multiple stoles allows you to represent different aspects of your identity.
  3. Membership in Several Groups: Graduates who’ve been part of various organizations (like sororities, fraternities, or clubs) often want to wear a stole from each one to show their involvement and the community they’ve built during their time in school.

A 2019 study by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) showed that over 60% of students participate in extracurriculars during college, so it’s no wonder that many graduates want to wear more than one stole.

Can You Wear Multiple Stoles?

Yes! While it’s more common to see students wearing just one stole, it’s perfectly acceptable to wear more than one. Universities don’t usually have restrictions on this. However, you’ll want to follow some simple guidelines to ensure you still look put together. After all, you want the stoles to add to your outfit, not distract from it!

How to Wear Multiple Stoles Without Feeling Overloaded

Wearing multiple stoles can be done in style, but it requires a little planning. Here’s how to do it without feeling overwhelmed:

  1. Coordinate Colors and Materials

Most stoles come in vibrant colors and unique fabrics. When wearing more than one, you’ll want to make sure the colors complement each other. For example, if you have a red stole for one organization and a blue stole for another, make sure they don’t clash. A great way to ensure harmony is by wearing neutral colors on your gown and cap, allowing the stoles to shine.

  1. Layering Strategically

Start by layering the stoles with the most significant or the largest one closest to your body. If you received a special academic honors stole, place that first, then layer your organizational and cultural stoles on top. It’s all about creating a visual balance so that each stole is visible and doesn’t get lost in the mix.

Tips for Wearing Multiple Stoles Comfortably

How do I wear my graduation stole

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While wearing multiple stoles is exciting, it can sometimes feel heavy or uncomfortable. Here are some simple tips to stay comfortable while looking sharp:

  1. Pin Them in Place: Use safety pins to hold the stoles together at the shoulder so they don’t shift or fall off as you walk across the stage. This little trick ensures they stay in place, and you won’t need to fidget with them during the ceremony.
  2. Check the Length: Ensure the stoles are of similar length. If one is significantly longer, it might overpower the rest. Stoles that sit at the same level look more cohesive and professional.
  3. Practice Wearing Them: Don’t wait until the day of graduation to figure out how to wear your stoles. Try them on with your gown ahead of time to make sure everything fits comfortably.

Expressing Identity and Achievement: What to Consider

Stoles are not just a fashion statement. They symbolize your hard work, heritage, and experiences. Wearing them thoughtfully can add a personal touch to your graduation outfit. Whether you’re a first-generation student or a member of an academic honor society, each stole tells a part of your story.

For some, a stole represents breaking barriers—like the difference between graduate and undergraduate studies or being the first in the family to earn a degree. Others may see it as a way to honor their community, culture, or extracurricular achievements.

How Students Wear Multiple Stoles

Let’s dive into how real students successfully wear multiple stoles at graduation. One graduate, Jessica from Florida, wore three stoles representing her sorority, student government involvement, and cultural heritage. She carefully coordinated the colors to complement her black graduation gown, using pins to secure them in place. Jessica said, “It was important to me to wear all my stoles because each one represents something meaningful that helped shape my college experience.”

In contrast, Eric, another graduate from California, focused on layering his honors society stolen and first-generation student stole to create a clean and minimalist look. He wore them over a deep blue gown, and their matching silver and gold accents tied everything together.

Statistics from Statista show that nearly 30% of students in the U.S. identify as first-generation, which is why the popularity of wearing multiple stoles tied to both academic and personal achievements continues to grow.

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What Stoles Mean and How to Choose

When you have multiple stoles, each representing something important, it can be tough to decide which ones to wear. Here are some popular stoles and what they signify:

  • Academic Honor Stoles: These represent scholastic achievements, such as being on the Dean’s List or graduating with honors (cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude).
  • Organizational Stoles: Given to students who are part of fraternities, sororities, student government, or other organizations, these stoles typically display the group’s colors or insignia.
  • Cultural Stoles: These stoles represent a graduate’s cultural heritage. For example, African kente cloth stoles are commonly worn by Black students to honor African culture.
  • First-Generation Stoles: These are worn by students who are the first in their families to graduate from college.

It’s important to remember that each stole has its significance, and choosing which ones to wear should reflect your own experiences and identity.

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Wearing multiple stoles at graduation allows you to celebrate all aspects of your college journey. Whether you’re showcasing your academic accomplishments, cultural background, or organizational memberships, stoles are a meaningful way to personalize your graduation attire. By following these tips, you can wear multiple stoles with pride while still looking sleek and put-together.

When preparing for your big day, take a moment to reflect on what each stole means to you. As you step onto the stage, you’ll know that your graduation look represents not just your degree but the entire journey that got you there.

Remember, whether you’re a first-generation student or part of multiple organizations, your graduation day is about celebrating everything you’ve achieved. Make your look count by wearing your stoles with pride, just like many graduates before you.

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Sarah Harris

Sarah Harris: A passionate educator dedicated to inspiring learning through creativity and technology. Making education engaging and accessible for all.

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