Frustration is the emotion that derives from helplessness, anger, sadness … It is the most complex because it coexists with other emotions and appears when we are unable to manage a situation about which...
The first signs of shorthand in history emerged in ancient cultures such as Greek, Roman or Egyptian. By then, the inhabitants of these cultures needed a methodology that allowed them to write as fast...
How to study for exams in one day? It is not an easy task. In times of exams, it is very frequent to review everything we have studied, a practice that many teachers recommend...
As the years go by, memory and mental agility are lost, and they seem less intelligent than they really are. This is usually when you reach a certain age, although they are also situations...
One of the main problems in our classrooms is behavioral problems in children and adolescents. When we speak of disruptive behaviors, we refer to inappropriate behaviors that harm the good functioning of the classroom,...
Most students earn credits in high school called Carnegie Units. Each unit represents a year of a complete course in a specific subject. How many credits do you need to graduate from high school?...
When the final exam period is approaching in the college or university, students usually feel anguish and little confidence in their academic preparation to solve this test. But in reality, there is no reason...
Preparing an exam is not easy, since many mistakes are usually made and you should know how to avoid, so you can have many more opportunities to achieve better results. The nerves usually take...
Once admitted to your university abroad, there is a good chance that you celebrate, as it should be this rather significant event in your student life. But there is still plenty to do! The...
The theory is when we know everything and nothing works. The practice is when everything works and nobody knows why. Here together theory and practice : Nothing works … and nobody knows why !...