How to do courses for the unemployed?

courses for the unemployed

Are you out of work and are you thinking of improving your resume? If you want to find a new job, you must renew and improve your learning areas to be a candidate with the greater possibility to apply for a certain job. The courses for the unemployed are part of an unemployment benefit and an aid from the State Public Employment Service (SEPE), the body in charge of organizing these training plans. Do you want to know how to do courses for the unemployed? Here, we give you the answer.

What are the courses for the unemployed

courses for the unemployed

Improving your training in unemployment can be a springboard to reach a new professional future. The INEM courses for unemployed are a tool designed to increase your opportunities in the labor market. The main purpose of these training actions is, without doubt, the reintegration of the candidate into the labor market by improving their degree of specialization, officially certifying their skills and helping the candidate to acquire new knowledge and skills, as well as improving those that he has been obtaining throughout his working life.

The public administration usually manages courses for the unemployed. For example, the courses are managed by the Public State Employment Service (SEPE) and are part of a regional competition that promotes these training plans in different accredited centers.

Requirements for a course for the unemployed


Before taking a course for the unemployed, you should know that the essential requirement for this is to be registered in the employment service of the autonomous community in which you live, that is, to the nearest unemployment office.

Once you are enrolled in unemployment and you have carried out all the administrative part, a technician in work orientation will help you find a new job offer suitable for you. It will also develop an insertion itinerary through training activities, including courses for the unemployed, to improve your opportunities when finding a new job.

Currently, unemployment websites allow you to search for courses in their online catalog or in the unemployment office itself. The offers are wide and varied since they intend that the person in the situation of unemployment obtain a certificate of professionalism that guarantees the officiality of the course.

Any person in the unemployment situation can opt for these training courses, provided that it meets the requirements demanded by the autonomous community. Generally, these courses are aimed at people over 25 who have been unemployed for a year or more or for those under 25 who have never worked under the Social Security contribution.

How to register for the course

Frequently asked questions about courses for the unemployed

If you still have doubts about how to do courses for the unemployed, pay attention to the following section. We answer to all those frequently asked questions that you have been able to ask yourself throughout the article:

How to register for the course?

If you are interested in taking a course for the unemployed, you can register in two ways:

Through the Employment Office. You can go directly to the offices and inform yourself about all the courses, the start dates and the person who will take the processing of your application.

Through the electronic headquarters. Once you have registered and if you are selected, the center where you will be given will contact you and give you the precise guidelines to start the training plan.

Obligatory course for unemployed

If you have registered for unemployment and some course for the unemployed, it is important to always go to these training plans. In case you are contacted to perform such a course, this will be mandatory, especially if the person in the unemployment situation is receiving unemployment or an unemployment benefit.

Not attending the course in which you have been summoned without a cause or justification is considered a serious fault.

Price of courses

Price of courses

As these are courses for people without work, they are free courses, that is, the State completely subsidizes them, and the centers themselves are responsible for managing these scholarships, so you will not have to pay any amount for fees or expenses. of management.

How to offer this type of courses?

If you have a training center and are interested in teaching unemployed courses, you should know that any academy or center can offer this type of SEPE professional training plan, provided that the necessary documentation is accredited and the pertinent application is submitted. You can start the procedures to offer unemployment courses within your center through the portal of the Public State Employment Service.

Iwona Walker

Iwona Walker is a passionate educator, dedicated to transforming the landscape of learning through innovation and creativity. With a background in educational psychology and a fervent belief in the power of technology to enhance education, Iwona has spent years exploring ways to make learning engaging, personalized, and accessible to all.

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