Do you want to change careers without experience? Follow these 15 tips

Do you know how to differentiate yourself? Do you change careers without experience? Recruiters just read the first three paragraphs of your work life. And they do not spend too much time on each specific case. Some investigations calculate in just six seconds the time that a recruiter devotes to your work life. So, it is increasingly necessary to find new ways to impact the coach in record time to move to the second phase of the selection process. The more if you have decided on a total professional reinvention.

You must know yourself very well; know what you want and what the company needs; master changes and new trends in the labor market. Be sure that the professional skills you count on are appropriate.

Change careers without experience

change careers without experience

All this is a consequence of a planning that will lead you as a candidate to be very explicit and convincing about what you can contribute to a specific position.

#Tips 1

You need a great ability to synthesize and understand the values of change careers without experience. You must highlight the competitive advantages that differentiate you from the rest of the candidates, who are your competitors. Explain how you will anticipate the demands of the market and how you will obtain the necessary resources to achieve that anticipation.

#Tips 2

Prove that you are the best You must consider yourself as a product to which you must put a price, name, and packaging. It is useless to be useful, reliable and to tune in to your market, employer or boss if you are invisible. Visibility and notoriety end up generating a sense of confidence, but it is useless to say that you are the best candidate to occupy a position if you do not offer proof that you are doing what you promise. To get that trust, it is best to speak well of you or to offer evidence that you have done or can do what you claim.

#Tips 3

Vision in perspective A linear vision of our career and our life makes it very difficult to make a decision of effective radical change. We usually have a series of anchors linked to linear and horizontal growth. If we looked at our professional and personal lives in a circular and diagonal sense, we could consider the changes in a very different way. The perspective from which reinvention should be considered should be if it complements me. The more open we are, the better professionals we will be. A linear-vertical concept of change careers without experience does not allow you to take advantage of too many opportunities.

change careers without experience

#Tips 4

The resource of taking a step back sometimes. The most convenient and sensible thing is to resort to the strategy of the step back to unclog our professional career. What can be seen as a setback can actually offer the opportunity to take a different path that ultimately determines our destiny. It is convenient to forget the prejudices that limit our ability to relocate.

#Tips 5

Check your contact policy Without a solid ‘networking’ you will not be able to access a job. It sounds like a virtual threat, but it is true and tangible: you need real, effective and quality contacts. In this you can not make mistakes anymore. If you want something different to happen or find new opportunities you must open your field of action: establish relationships with all kinds of people and in a broad spectrum of professions.

#Tips 6

Master all rejections you have spent several months failing in selection processes, that can not dynamite your intentions to reinvent yourself professionally. Letting yourself be overcome by frustration will affect the way you approach your ‘personal elevator speech’ for successive job interviews. There is no magic formula to solve this frustrating situation. It must pass and accept it.

change careers without experience

But there is no alternative to keep trying, because not finding a job cannot be an option, and you must continue. Either you face the next interview or you only have the option of failure. And this is what condemns many to long-term unemployment. It is a great opportunity to recycle your know-how, to update yourself and to study which emerging professions are being more demanded and where you can contribute more.

#Tips 7

Fight hidden offers A study by Lee Hecht Harrison ensures that only 20% of job offers are available and visible to those who track a job. To reinvent yourself, you must be able to counteract the influence of these hidden offers and the fact that only closed groups of candidates have access to them, a kind of elite that includes those that are super-related and that rotate from company to company. Experts agree that, in these conditions, a solid ‘networking’ is almost the only option to succeed in the search for a position.

#Tips 8

Professional in transition you are looking for a radical change, but even if you are unemployed, you are not unemployed: you are a professional in transition. Introduce yourself to all professional contacts as a professional and not as a unemployed person. Your job is to find a job, and that has become a complicated activity for which you need to be a true expert. If you are unemployed, say that you are in transition and in a rethinking of your career in which you can take advantage of your best abilities and experience. You do not look for work, you offer solutions.

There are many needs to be covered that possibly many companies are not even aware of. The unemployed maintain a passive attitude. The professional who has a service sales mentality will look for problems and needs and locate those who can really make the decisions.

#Tips 9

Avoid the noise that disorients you It is necessary to take into account the arrival of new agents to the market of the recruitment, that come with the boom of the recommendations of individuals; the invisible offers, which make personal contacts and less the curriculum ever more important; or the growing influence of the platforms that professionally tune the candidates. The question is who will be in charge of the recommendations, of the selection and adaptation of the new professional profiles. Maybe there is too much noise in the labor market, and those looking for a job convinced that traditional media do not work they are lost in a disconcerting reality.

change careers without experience

You can often find disoriented professionals about how to find employment effectively. They do not know how scouts, aggregators, job portals work. And adding new tools and possibilities is complicated for those who seek professional reinvention. Many people are clueless, because there seems to be work everywhere when in fact it is not like that … Networks, platforms, networking. All this offers a visibility that has never existed. It is an opportunity (that generates a huge visibility), but it also implies a great responsibility.

#Tips 10

Flexibility to change Remember that it is always a good time to change jobs if there are reasons to do so. Perceptions of success make you try. What sets the trend is not the need for change, but the perception of the possibilities of success. If you decide on the adventure of change, you must be very flexible. The geographical location or the willingness to move and even to change sector and profession have to do with this.

#Tips 11

Work in another way In the decision to leave your job or your company you must include the possibility of adopting new work formulas, without sticking only to the traditional company. We will increasingly tend to create our own company, to work outside of our local environment; and studying-working-retiring will no longer be the normal sequence, because we will interpolate occupation times with others with less employment. It will also be necessary to take into account new formulas of flexible work, ‘freelance’, on-demand and collaborative economics that will allow professionals to seek new opportunities.

#Tips 12

How long is this?It seems clear that you must follow the trends that mark the new profiles and professions. But you should analyze the possibility that we are facing a bubble of professions. Are they all truly sustainable? It may be impossible to advise someone to take the path of reinvention offered by new occupations in the same way as in the past recommended traditional careers such as Law, Engineering, Medicine or Economics.

change careers without experience

Remember that if the current reality demands new professions and is willing to hire specialists capable of effectively occupying that task, that turns the function into a profession, with or without qualification. As it was in his day the blacksmith or the potter. The professionalization of a function is in direct proportion to its difficulty of exercising it well to meet the new demands. What almost anyone can do is not considered a profession, but what needs to be thoroughly prepared and learned does achieve that appreciation. And not all the apparent “new professions” would deserve that consideration, since many of them are just a digital occupation.

#Tips 13

What will you do in 2021?Whoever is thinking of a radical change in their professional life should bear in mind that the ability to predict what our working life will be like five years from now provides a competitive advantage. If you are looking for a radical professional reinvention, knowing that future is an advantage, because in this way you develop new knowledge and skills aimed at getting closer where you want to go. If you do this consciously, you can do it in the future. Resolving where we will be working in five years is also a question of difficult solution.

Possibly we are not in the same activity, and our model of relationship with the company will also be different. The same polarization is occurring in the labor market as in the markets for products and services: there were three types of professionals, those that bring high value to organizations; those that contribute medium value; and the professionals ‘low cost’. Professionals of medium value disappear, and this means that either we increase our perceived value in the market or we will be in a market of very low wages.

#Tips 14

Speak another language new job search models have to do with the fact that traditional offers and life-long ads are becoming less effective. The new demands imply a new way of recruiting and a capacity to synthesize and understand the values of the company and to transmit them to those who can understand them. A new type of candidate is sought. You must take responsibility for your own employability and your trajectory. The simple reading of the curriculum no longer allows a recruiter to perceive what kind of professional is in front of them.

change careers without experience

Today we tend to take into account the weight of the personality and values of the candidate. These are the tools that most help to assess how you fit into the culture of the company. For employers, your past successes and the traditional way in which you sell them become increasingly irrelevant. Your CV should reflect the talents and skills you are able to offer in the new position to change careers without experience.

#TIps 15

Your reflection in the networks Your fingerprint is already crucial for a complete evaluation of who you are as a professional. To verify and contrast the information provided. Managing your social profiles properly and creating a solid. It is real and effective personal brand in the networks is a must for those who seek a change careers without experience. The domain of the networks speaks of the quality of work that you are able to show in social media, and if you can use them as a transmission belt of what you do.

Iwona Walker

Iwona Walker is a passionate educator, dedicated to transforming the landscape of learning through innovation and creativity. With a background in educational psychology and a fervent belief in the power of technology to enhance education, Iwona has spent years exploring ways to make learning engaging, personalized, and accessible to all.

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