The importance of physical education in the formation of the individual

importance of physical education

The importance of physical education needed for every sector. Physical education is all the activities of human movement in all their aspects and manifestations. Already summarized in his decalogue of marching, running, jumping, climbing, throwing, swimming, wrestling, trimming. Aimed at the maximum well-being and autonomy of each person. Follow the hints to make your youngsters efficient at school. Physical education is an important opportunity for the improvement of many psycho-characteristics aspects of every student.

To date, the definition is broader, not only because the decalogue of practical skills does not touch that part of the cognitive abilities of each.

The importance of physical education

importance of physical education

Its presence in every address reiterates the importance of the discipline and degree of compulsory school with two hours per week that may provide. At the discretion of the teacher, not only lessons in the gym but also theoretical carried out in class.

Physical education does not constitute the execution of sport as an end in itself, or for entertainment only. And not even the mere knowledge of motor practices and sporting regulations. However, constitute an important section of teaching. It is open to the student, who usually knows a limited number of sports (those that follow as a spectator or those who practice as an athlete) the whole sports world.



In any case, these two weekly hours constitute, in every educational field, you will learn important life lessons. The first lessons of this discipline every boy and girl learn to respect the rules imposed for the success of a healthy sporting competition. To be able to accept defeats and at the same time be aware of their limits. And again, as in every sphere not only of the school but also in life, each student can show excellence, which must be rewarded, in certain fields or generally in the whole subject. There are certain and different capacities, ranging from strength to resistance, from shooting to concentration.

However, the sphere of action of physical education does not only involve purely motor and educational activities. Also two equally fundamental aspects: the knowledge of other physical realities (relaxation techniques, stretching techniques) and the confirmation of the human body. Thanks to the knowledge of the rudiments of first aid.

Moreover, taking up the topic of the exaltation of excellence. It is right to point out that for the enhancement of this subject, institute interventions are necessary, involving the willing students in competitions and sports trials at school or school level.

All these characteristics of the aforementioned school subject require a great preparation on the part of educators who must have the various abilities. Know the various sports disciplines, the anatomy of the human body. The first aid, but also have the pleasure and ‘aptitude for work, sometimes challenging, to deal with adolescents. All these qualities derive from the acquisition of a specific qualification, a degree in physical education, as well as qualification for teaching. The continuous surveillance of a professor does not simply fall within the normal duty of teaching, civil and criminal responsibility of each teacher. It is accentuated by the high intrinsic probability in the physical activities of possible physical harm to the practitioners.

physical education

Practical feedback

For example, in organizing sports activities involving more than one student. Moreover, adding a personal experience, I can state how a physical education lesson can be set completely and exhaustively, having had during the attendance of the lower secondary level an example of this kind of organization. The program constituted a combination of practical and theoretical skills. All data recorded with a test by vote, which was added with the conduct. It is consisting mainly of the abilities above: education, loyalty, discipline,

Together with the examples, however, objections are possible. The most frequent, proposed by educators of other disciplines as much as some parents, concerns the excessive importance that sports plays in school. In extracurricular activities, and more generally in life and personal success.

Many of these confuse the excesses that competitive sport, in competition with commercial interests, has reached and has shown in the news. True, fair sport, as repeated repeatedly in the entire writing, can only help the formation of the individual. It does not mean the affirmation of the uniqueness of sport for the education of young people. The school is made up of various realities, which merge to bring every student to the realization of their preparation. The concept that we want to strengthen is the complementary importance of physical education, a warning not to neglect an important aspect of modern culture.

Iwona Walker

Iwona Walker is a passionate educator, dedicated to transforming the landscape of learning through innovation and creativity. With a background in educational psychology and a fervent belief in the power of technology to enhance education, Iwona has spent years exploring ways to make learning engaging, personalized, and accessible to all.

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