How To Prepare Well For An Important Presentation?

How To Prepare Well For An Important Presentation


Today I was assigned a Power Pact presentation to be given to a wider range of audience around 500 in the guest list. This sudden task has activated my panic center of mind and my emergency neurotransmitters are generating signals to think extravagance and there are lots of questions arising in my mind:

How To Prepare Well For An Important Presentation
Image Source: Google Image


Following are the big fears came in mind at once:

  • Could I deliver such a big presentation?
  • What will happen if I mess up?
  • Could I stand in front of so many strangers?
  • May I deliver what is meant to be?
  • May I complete this presentation within its specified time?
  • Will they amused or inspired with my words?
  • When the session end up, Will I be able to answer their queries?

My mind was stuck among 4 Ws (What, Which, When, Where) and lastly How. I have heard that the audience will comprise the cream of the field and definitely they will not bear my shakes and anxiety and they may leave the Hall to enjoy themselves with some soft drink or coffee.


Most of us facing following discomforts while speaking publically:

  • Muscle Cramps
  • Gastrointestinal Tract dysfunction
  • Severe Nausea which may lead to vomiting
  • Shivering of body
  • Stammering
  • Cold Sweet
  • Restlessness


There are those shining stars among us who would consider these presentations as source for learning, enjoying, exploring, knowledge and future gadget to be a Leader or a Group Head.


The most important features to be kept in mind are:

  • Brain Storming
  • Objective/Motive
  • Subject Line
  • The audience
  • The Venue
  • Span of Presentation
  • Timings

One has to keep in mind what is going to be delivered and what actually the audience is expecting within this calculated period of time with the focus to give them pleasure and something useful so at the end, the public from the presentation room would evacuate with nice wordings.


Location Search:

Search the location as similar as your presentation venue. Practice and deliver the points which you already have in your clue sheet with the focus in mind that you are standing in front of audience. Lighting and speakers are functioning or not?

Compatibility Checker:

Check the computer compatibility with the format of presentation. Is the embedded video could be operable or not?

Opening Slide:

The first slide of your presentation must be attention catching. The color theme must be appropriate, visible, thanking and addressing note for Invitees and audience, title, and your name all should be in Slide 1.

Animations and Points:

Use animations and maximum of 4 points in a single slide as this will assist in recalling and retention of memory to audience for question answer session.


A famous saying which we all have heard many times in life “Practice makes A man perfect”. This should be your first focus or your tag line while preparing your presentation. The more you rehearsed/ practice the more you would have command on your speech. Try to rehearse in front of audience which may be your friends or colleagues as this will boost your confidence.

Voice Check:

Control the tone and pitch of your voice by rehearsing repeatedly. The sound should not be same but the pitch must be up and down to emphasize your important words and phrases.

Body Posture:

Keep your shoulders stiff and stand tall. Keep moving with the audience slightly with comfort. Keep your energy high, keep a contact of your hand gestures and associate it what you are delivering. If you plan to move around, pace in sync with your words.

Iwona Walker

Iwona Walker is a passionate educator, dedicated to transforming the landscape of learning through innovation and creativity. With a background in educational psychology and a fervent belief in the power of technology to enhance education, Iwona has spent years exploring ways to make learning engaging, personalized, and accessible to all.

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