Homework is better to do student 


How many times we happened to open the book, read a few paragraphs and then stop, disheartened, opposite concepts or requests that we were not able to understand or meet? Probably many. The easiest thing was then to ask for help to whoever was next to us, who may in good faith have made their homework at our place.

A mistake not to be repeated. According to the American Study the Broken Compass: Parental Involvement with Children’s Education, it is better to avoid interference with the boys when they do their homework. The reason is obvious: if it makes life easier for children, in the short term it relieves them from fatigue, but in a longer perspective, the procures damage.Homework

Help children to do the tasks

If they do their homework instead of their children it is prevented to learn what their program plans, but also limits their ability to test and also to make mistakes and then learn from your mistakes. Fall is, in fact, a very important component of learning. Just wrong, you will realize that you need to record or investigate one point. The problem is that you have to have patience and accept the frustration and hassle of doing homework.

Obviously, this does not mean to leave the children to their fate. They can help, but not replace them: the best strategy is to help them get you to the answers they are seeking.Homework

How do homework

it, the educationist Daniele Novara gives a number of practical ideas to follow on.

Legitimize the importance that the tasks require. It is important for parents to recognize that it takes time and perseverance to deal with right now.

Talk to the teacher. If parents think that the workload is excessive, it is good to talk with teachers, avoiding to do some ‘homework for their children in order to lighten them.

Establish a set time to dedicate to study, preferably at a distance from the lunch and dinner, so leave some free time to play and enjoy themselves.Homework

The right place. Try to get a quiet space and protected where kids can concentrate eliminating all distractions, such as television or mobile phone.

Avoid criticism. It is best not to correct the errors that children commit, what is the role of the school and you have to leave this task to the teacher. In addition, try to emphasize the good things the child does, rewarding the commitment that takes in performing tasks, rather than criticize his mistakes. Otherwise, you will get only negative effects more uncertain and insecure children.Homework

Studying in the company. Inviting home classmates can be very useful. The educator points out that the most recent neuroscientific studies on mirror neurons indicate precisely the benefit that you have to study together.

Attention to sleep. The more we are rested, the better the performance. Even a good diet, healthy and balanced, can help children to be more concentrated and focused.

Iwona Walker

Iwona Walker is a passionate educator, dedicated to transforming the landscape of learning through innovation and creativity. With a background in educational psychology and a fervent belief in the power of technology to enhance education, Iwona has spent years exploring ways to make learning engaging, personalized, and accessible to all.

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