How to improve concentration and attention of the clueless child

How to improve concentration?

What if your child loses concentration? A few days ago, we consult with experienced primary school teachers.  Teachers often complain of attention deficit or lack of concentration in their students. If this is the cause of your child’s poor grades, you can help by putting the following strategies into practice. Let’s know how to improve concentration and attention of your child. 

How to improve concentration?How to improve concentration?

If your child’s teacher places the lack of attention as the source of your child’s low performance. It is important that you collaborate with him to agree on strategies and develop good habits that help him to concentrate.

Why do not you pay attention?

The first thing is to define the problem accurately. Children become deconcentrated in many ways and this will help us to set goals.

1. Do not listen or do not read the instructions to the end and do not know what is being asked. In this case, you may have accumulated such a delay in acquiring knowledge that you may need extra help.

2. He rushes to solve the task without considering how. It will help you to put study techniques into practice.

3. Knows how to solve the task but gets distracted and never ends. You have to find out if the child does not have any small emotional problem that disturbs him: the birth of a brother, moving, dad unemployed, etc. In any case, it seems that he has difficulty sustaining concentration. Doing sudoku , coloring mandalas , etc. can help you.

4. The child is unmotivated and bored in class. It is convenient to assess the origin of demotivation and remedy: study the relationships with the teacher and classmates, give extra support in the subjects in which you need it, etc. Achievable goals must be set and their progress reinforced. Although the best prize for any child is to check the satisfaction of their parents, the points redeemable for small prizes can be helpful to stimulate the effort.

Help from home

How to improve concentration?

There are several easy habits to instill at home that can help the child. At the time of doing homework:

1. If your child has a hard time concentrating, it is important to ask for that effort after he has relaxed by wasting physical energy. Do not ask him to do homework after leaving school but after having played outside for a while.

2. Acuse him to repeat aloud what he has to do, as if he were giving orders to himself. “I have to finish this problem before moving on to the next one, I have to complete this addition …”

3. Hang papers with pictures or messages that remind you what to do.

4. Teach him to divide the tasks into small steps and evaluate each of them. Thus, the end will seem achievable.

5. Praise him whenever he is more concentrated than usual.

When playing:

There are many games that improve concentration and attention. For example, games memory and matching games , find the differences between two sheets almost equal, discover hidden in a complex drawing element, choose the correct answer from several possible, make a silhouette following numbered points, color a built drawing by numbered spaces, order cards according to a sequence, look for an object following some instructions or interpreting tracks, etc.

Iwona Walker

Iwona Walker is a passionate educator, dedicated to transforming the landscape of learning through innovation and creativity. With a background in educational psychology and a fervent belief in the power of technology to enhance education, Iwona has spent years exploring ways to make learning engaging, personalized, and accessible to all.

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