How to analyze a subordinate relative substantive?


Among the subordinate propositions, that is to say, the sentences which depend on the verb of the main proposition, we find the substantive, adjective, and adverbial relations according to what they correspond to. In the case of substantive relative subordinate propositions, they have the same functions as a noun or a name: subject, a complement of direct, indirect, circumstantial object, name, agent or attribute / predicative. In this article of everything, we explain how to analyze a substantive subordinate

First of all, it is necessary to recall that the subordinate propositions depend on the main verb of the main proposition. They cannot, therefore, work alone.

In the case of substantive subordinates, they may be introduced by a conjunction, ” cue ” or ” si “, or an interrogative or exclamatory particle. Similarly, they may or may not have a linking word.

Moreover, subordinate relative substantive proposals have the same functions as a noun or a noun. They can, therefore, be replaced by the pronoun “this”, which will make it possible to know the role of the proposition in the

Let us pass to the analysis of a substantive relative subordinate proposition, with the following example: “She wanted you to tell her the truth.”

In this sentence, note the presence of two distinct verbs: “wanted” and “dishes”. Thus, the second being dependent on the first (main verb), it is, therefore, part of the subordinate proposition.

You can also see that this second proposition is introduced by the conjunction ” that “: “that you tell him the truth”.

This makes it possible to confirm that this is indeed a substantive relative subordinate

To verify that the analysis is of a substantive relative subordinate, you can replace it with the pronoun ” this ” and see if the sentence always makes sense: “She wanted this”. As you can see, the sentence retains all its meaning, thus highlighting the function of the substantive relative subordinate proposition (identical to that of the pronoun): the complement of a direct object.

To do the morph syntactic analysis, i.e. the study of the types of words and functions present in the sentence, you will have to divide the latter into two parts. First, determine the main proposal:education

” She wanted “

The second part, therefore, corresponds to the substantive relative subordinate having the direct object complement function:

“Tell him the truth”

The main proposal includes:

– “She”: personal pronoun having the function of the subject.

– “wanted”: the main verb.

In the substantive relative subordination:

– “that”: a conjunction that functions as a linking word or links the two propositions of the sentence.

– “to”: personal pronoun – “lei”: pronoun having the function of a complement of indirect object – “dishes”: verb of the subordinate proposition.

– “the”: determining, article.

– “truth”: noun or noun accompanied by an article, which functions as a direct object in the substantive relative subordinate.

The complete morph syntactic analysis of the phrase “She wanted you to tell her the truth” is now over. It, therefore, comprises a substantive relative subordinate proposal having the direct object complement function.

Iwona Walker

Iwona Walker is a passionate educator, dedicated to transforming the landscape of learning through innovation and creativity. With a background in educational psychology and a fervent belief in the power of technology to enhance education, Iwona has spent years exploring ways to make learning engaging, personalized, and accessible to all.

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