Many private schools are required to pay for school crash insurance, some public schools grant it as part of government programs. If you have it, take advantage of it.
The return to classes and with it the payments of enrollment, tuition, books, supplies, uniforms … But there is one more payment that you realize and that during the school cycle you could need, reason why it is not necessary to know in what Cases you can use it and how to claim it, we refer to insurance
School accidents
At school, your children do many physical activities: they play, play a sport (basketball, football, gymnastics) or go on a trip, so they run the risk of suffering an accident. Even if it is a non-serious injury, such as a fracture, between medical fees, hospital fees, X-rays, healing supplies and medications, emergency care can cost you at least $ 2,000 and if you do not have a savings fund, Your economy. To avoid this happening, there are these types of insurance.
Although it is not mandatory and the governments of each state have their legislation in this regard, it is increasingly common for schools to have insurance of this nature that protects students from the risks they are exposed during the development of their activities. a piece of furniture
Private schools at the beginning of each school year (pre-school through college and even postgraduate) commonly require you to pay insurance, which ranges from $ 300 to $ 600 per year, depending on the school. Some may exempt you from payment if you show that your child has some current medical insurance. You can also include it in the inscription, ask if it is so and asks them to explain how it works, and request a copy of the policy.
School accident insurance is not exclusive to private schools, but also public schools have this protection, which will depend on the institution where the school is located and the government programs that are managed (in some cases only applies to schools of education Basic). They work in the same way as private school insurance with the difference that the government pays the insurance and not the student. If your child studies in a public school, ask the school management if they have the insurance, what the coverage and how it works.
The validity of this insurance is equal to that of the school year and does not apply during weekends, holidays, or vacation periods, although in some cases can be extended to activities promoted by the school as summer courses or regularization.
Do not get confused
These insurances were designed to cover expenses incurred because of an accident. They do not cover any bodily or mental illness, or accidents resulting from one.
If your child became infected with a disease at school, the insurance would not cover the expenses incurred by the school.
Both the coverages and the sums insured will depend on the insurer and those contracted by the school, among the most common, are medical expenses, organic losses, and death.
The amount insured for medical expenses resulting from an accident, usually has a ceiling of $ 50,000, although it may be less or more, as specified in the policy. The main expenses covered are medical fees, hospital, clinical and cabinet analysis, radiographs, ground ambulance (if required), physical rehabilitation and medication.
Protected all the time
If the accident occurs on the school premises or in the transfer of your home and vice versa, your children will be protected.
As with all insurance, there are some circumstances not covered by the insurer, known as exclusions. These are stipulated in the general conditions of the policy. The most frequent in this type of insurance are: injuries, illness or mutilation caused by the insured or being under the effects of alcohol or drugs; Preexisting diseases; Injuries suffered by participating in criminal acts or in quarrels, rebellion, riots or similar; Suicide or any attempt thereof; Accidents occurring when traveling in vehicles that are not legally authorized for the transport of passengers, for the use of motorcycles or scooters, or for participating in or performing speed tests on vehicles of any type; Among other exclusions, so it is convenient that you read them and, if necessary, the conversations with your child.
How to claim it
The best-known way to make the payment of insurance effective is via reimbursement and applies when for some reason the parents do not take their child to any of the hospitals with which the insurer has an agreement, they are what cover the expenses incurred because of the accident and then ask the insurer to reimburse the amount spent.
Direct payment can also be used and occurs when the student because of an accident goes to a hospital with which the insurer has an agreement. In this case, the school must be notified immediately so that the school can report the incident and the insurer is responsible for all expenses.
They may ask you to pay a deductible, which usually goes from $ 100 to $ 500. The function of the deductible is that you do not use without insurance the insurance only because the company pays the expenses, in this case, they charge it to discard that they report events that are not considered accidents, for example, a scrape.