How to Do a Research Work


A research work is essentially a discussion or argument based on a thesis, which includes tests from various sources. While this may seem monumental, it is actually a simple process that you can follow systematically. Before you begin, make sure you have a lot of paper to take notes, markers of different colors and a packet of cards of different colors. Read this article from dldxedu and find out how to perform a job properly.


These are the recommended steps to complete your search successfully:

  • Choose a topic.
  • Find sources.
  • Make notes on the color cards.
  • Sort your notes by theme.
  • Write a review.
  • Write the first draft.
  • Reread and rewrite.

ResearchStart at the library

Find a comfortable place where you will not be distracted continuously, occupy a table that offers plenty of space so that you can put away several potential sources if necessary.

Familiarize yourself with the services and organization of the library, there will be a catalog and several computers for you to search the databases.

Select the object of your search

If you have complete freedom to choose your topic, select a question or topic that you have always wanted to learn more about. If you are fascinated by the weather or watching each show on television on tornadoes, for example, you may be able to find a topic that is related to it.

Once you have narrowed down your choices to a specific topic, start asking yourself questions about it. A common mistake of students is to choose a topic that is too general, try to be more specific: What is the Tornado Alley? Why do some places suffer more tornadoes?

One of your questions will become an affirmation of the thesis after doing a preliminary search in order to find theories and answer your questions. Remember that the thesis is a statement, not a question.

ResearchSearch for sources

Use the catalog or database in the library to find relevant books on the chosen topic for research, in addition to newspapers, magazines, and related articles.

Sit at your table and search your sources titles that may be misleading, so some sources will not work. You can read documents quickly to determine which documents contain useful information and which ones you should dismiss.

How to take notes

As you explore the sources, you will begin to focus on a thesis and several sub-themes will begin to emerge. Start making notes on your sources using the sub-theme color code.

You may need to photocopy items to bring them home. If you do this, use markers to mark the sheets with the corresponding colors. Each time you make a note, be sure to write down all bibliographic information including the author, title of the book, title of the article, page number, volume number, Editor, and dates. Write this information on each of the cards and photocopies. This is necessary!

Sort your scores by theme

Once you have set up your color grading system, you will be able to sort your notes more easily. Sort the color cards and organize them by date. They will become your paragraphs; remember that you can have multiple paragraphs for each sub-theme.

ResearchPrepare the diagram of your search

Make a plan based on your sorted maps. You may find that some of the cards fit better to different colors or sub-themes, just rearrange them. This is a normal part of the process. Your papers take shape and become a logical argument or a position statement.

Write the first draft

Develop a thesis and a catchy introductory paragraph. Continue with the sub-theme, you may find that you do not have enough material and you will have to complete your work with additional research. Keep editing and rewrite until you are completely satisfied.


When you are satisfied with your research, read it completely. Make sure you do not make spelling mistakes, grammatical errors or typographical errors. Also, make sure that you have included all the sources in your bibliography.

Finally, check your instructor’s original instructions to make sure that you follow any assigned preferences, such as the location of the page title and page numbers.

Iwona Walker

Iwona Walker is a passionate educator, dedicated to transforming the landscape of learning through innovation and creativity. With a background in educational psychology and a fervent belief in the power of technology to enhance education, Iwona has spent years exploring ways to make learning engaging, personalized, and accessible to all.

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