Calculator It is an effort that depends on everyone
In a country, lack Financial Education, which can be interpreted as having bad habits when using financial products and services, in addition to a lack of knowledge of our rights and obligations Financial Institutions.
Knowledge of financial matters has become more important over time. The current economic situation lends itself to alert people about the need for financial literacy.
Financial Education is a valuable instrument that can contribute to different purposes, including helping to maintain confidence in the financial system, making it easier for people to know and use financial products and services, promote better resource management In households, mitigate the risks of over-indebtedness and disseminate the rights of users of financial services.
The need to acquire Financial Education increases as society evolves, and with it financial products and services. That is why the update should go hand in hand with institutions like Conduce for protection, defense, and education of your finances.
This becomes a challenge for education, as it would have to use different ways of transmission than the traditional, and completely change the fear that people have when managing their money.
For the Financial System to function properly, all social agents must participate, from the Financial Institutions to the users.
What do financial institutions think about the knowledge that the user should have on this topic?
Different Financial Institutions in Mexico bet on fomenting Financial Education since they believe that a society formed with this knowledge, has less risk to fall into some economic crisis and with the help of the new technology, a greater coverage can be achieved.
Achieving a balance between the user and the financial products or services is the goal. To do so, it is necessary to explain the Financial Education.
Financial Institutions should be interested in having their clients know when purchasing financial products and services, as they improve the understanding in the matter, contribute to avoid fraud, provide transparency, confidence, and stability to the market, as well as promoting a benefit for All stages in the life of the user.
Currently, the Financial Institutions of the banking sector in conjunction with the government carry out different activities and design tools that allow easy acquisition of this culture, among them, is the creation of various Financial Education programs.
Per the Bureau of Financial Institutions of Conduce, there are 12 Financial Institutions that currently have a Financial Education program.
Promoting education among users so that they are prepared and able to act in the desired way, undoubtedly depends on the efforts of all those involved.
To promote the Financial Culture, conduct will offer, for a week, conferences, workshops, talks and didactic material in different spaces, to provide people with information about financial products and services. The National Week of Financial Education, which will take place in all the states of the Republic, aims to clear economic doubts and encourage the responsible use of financial products.
Also, conduct invites you to attend the Financial Education Courses that it presents within its facility.