What is E-learning, the technology for spreading training

What is E-learning

The first to use the term “E-learning” was Elliott Masie, a technology expert who also gave a fine definition of this new training methodology. E-learning is the use of technology to design, distribute, select, administer, support and disseminate training.

What is E-learning

What is E-learning
Image source: Google

Use the Internet as a channel for training and communication: this revolution is called E-learning. We really like the idea of “disseminating training” through the new technologies with which society relates daily.

Therefore schools, courses, and learning modalities change. The advent of the Net has changed the lifestyle of people subverting it completely.

So also the training of the citizen, as well as that of the worker or any other person who wants to learn, learn, uses parameters and rules that become differentiated. And in any case, almost all of them go in the direction of digitization, of computerization.

The E-learning revolution

At school or in the courses, notebooks and tablets are started, as more and more often, in the moments of training, there is the help of online links. And perhaps this is the true revolution that is characterizing the way of studying, of facing learning.

What is E-learning
Image source: Google

A mode if you want arid, depersonalizing, but that is taking root a little everywhere, spreading at a speed that we did not believe possible. So what’s the problem?


The problem is to give ourselves a target, a goal, to systematize these new methods of information, making them usable, simple, effective, available to many, even better if for everyone. Obviously, we need the politicians to move in this direction, with the relative preparation of instruments, planning and above all resources.

The university offer

In reality, especially at university level, there is a certain quality offer of E-learning courses, at least at the level of integration of main courses of study where one must stay in place. It is a practical way to facilitate learning towards how much more difficult it is to stay in the reversed classroom.

But online training should not only exist for telematic universities, it must also exist and above all for all the high universities – let’s call them ordinary – and for all the other schools.

It would now be not only to continue but to go further and develop the excellence of the Italian system – which is many – in an adequate manner. Intelligently using l-learning, of course.

The advantages of E-learning

It would be foolish today to deny the advantages that multimedia and computer technologies offer. The Internet providing different and varied communication and collaboration services (chats, e-mails, forums and so on) inevitably provides more content, makes learning less boring and effective, improving quality.

E-learning, therefore, can not and should not be considered a second level education. On the contrary, it must be conferred a system dignity that makes this revolutionary competitive methodology with the rest of the academic world and more generally of training.

Iwona Walker

Iwona Walker is a passionate educator, dedicated to transforming the landscape of learning through innovation and creativity. With a background in educational psychology and a fervent belief in the power of technology to enhance education, Iwona has spent years exploring ways to make learning engaging, personalized, and accessible to all.

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