University in England: The British Council gives you a hand

British Council

Do the university in England. A project caressed by many girls and boys because British universities issue recognized qualifications all over the world, or just for the pleasure of doing a university trip – an international experience.

Whatever the reason, you can access an English university even without having a school with the British program or an international school and therefore without having the A-levels or the IB and even without attending a school Italian Cambridge International (which, in some cases, gives some extra title).

British CouncilWell, first, to study in England, you have to be digital, because the application for admission is done through a single channel, the one of the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service – UCAS, and only online, on the UCAS website. Incidentally, UCAS manages questions for universities across the UK and, therefore, not just English ones.

What titles do you need? The UASC site provides accurate information but, with some approximation, the required titles are the following.

First, you must demonstrate that you have a good knowledge of English, attested by a series of exams (IELTS, or TOEFL, IGCSE English and so on).

Secondly, it is good to try to take a good vote on the final state exam of high school, that is, maturity, although the required degree may vary from institute to institution and degree from one degree to another.


British CouncilLastly, they serve two reference letters (of presentation) of professors who have had the boy or girl as a student and perhaps a cv rich in cultural and social experiences.

You can apply to 5 universities which will then make their conditional offers, or conditional offers, to achieve some goals, such as, for example, the vow of state exams and which however vary from university to university.

The path must be carefully planned: it is not supposed to do things at the last moment; we have to start thinking about it during the penultimate year of high school (and, as it is already, it joins the English university with a one-year delay compared to British college graduates who are 18 years old).

British CouncilEducation of the Wad ham Oxford The expiration of universities is not the same for all: it is usually in mid-January, although some literary faculties postpone a couple of months and Oxford and Cambridge (as well as specific courses, such as medicine) expire on October 15. In addition, incidentally, pointing to Oxford or Cambridge is useless if you are not a champion.

If all this would seem too complicated, perhaps the answer may be to attend an event that the British Council is organizing in Milan.

This is the second edition of the “Education UK” Fair in Italy, on the UK study. The event will be held in Milan on Saturday, February 28, 2015 (the first was held in January 2014). All students interested in studying in the UK will be able to meet representatives of 35 British institutes offering university, postgraduate and English language courses.

British CouncilHere is all the info

Those who cannot participate can always do so by consulting the British Council website that has a section devoted to students who wish to study in the UK. You can get in touch directly with the universities in London, throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. You can also see this site, always from the British council: Education UK

Finally, if the motivation to do the university in the UK is only that of the language, then it is worth expanding its research horizon. The world is full of English degree courses in Italy (Bocconi, Polytechnic di Milano, and LUISS) in France (from Science PO) and – second-hand, but you cannot believe it – there are excellent universities with English courses all over Europe: in the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden, so to name a few countries.

Iwona Walker

Iwona Walker is a passionate educator, dedicated to transforming the landscape of learning through innovation and creativity. With a background in educational psychology and a fervent belief in the power of technology to enhance education, Iwona has spent years exploring ways to make learning engaging, personalized, and accessible to all.

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