6 tips to develop the habit of reading

reading habit

Developing the habit of reading, especially from a very young age, is very important for children to acquire a solid intellectual basis. As an adult, this helps to learn more about the world and to train his brain. Reading and writing are the means of acquiring and transmitting the most extensive knowledge, and having a good level of reading comprehension is essential for obtaining academic degrees. On dldxedu.com, we explain how to develop the habit of reading.

reading habit

1. The best advice set an example

It does not help much to tell a child to read if you do not give him the idea that it is a pleasant and fun activity. Small, children imitate almost everything their parents do. That is why if your children see you reading several times a week, they will soon want to do it too. This is a very important activity and one must be aware of how it influences your children’s reading habits. You can encourage them to join you to do this activity together in the same room.

If you want to improve your own habits, you can surround yourself with people who encourage you to read, sign up for reading clubs, read forums or social network readers.

reading habit2. Readings adapted to age

It’s not the same to read at 7 years a cartoon of the Smurfs that the Ulysses of James Joyce. If you do not understand what you read, you will quickly get bored and hate reading. It is best to introduce your children to reading with fun and easy-to-understand content, such as children’s books (including adaptations of classical works if you wish) and comics.

reading habit3. Read aloud

Telling stories out loud is one of the great moments of fun between a parent and a child. If the child does not yet know how to read, the father or mother (or both at the same time!) Can be the story’s narrator.

reading habit4. Go to the libraries, bookstores and book fairs

They are temples of reading, the places where one makes the most homage to the books and where one can discover new works that were unknown to us. Getting there regularly and acquiring new books is a cultural and enjoyable activity.

reading habit5. Offer books

As they say, “offering a book, in addition to being a gift, is a delicate praise”. Give yourself books or ask for your birthday, so you will not be able to say that you have nothing more to read. Moreover, it is a perfect technique to stimulate children, encourage them to read and understand that a book is an object that has great value.

reading habit6. Set habits

Whether you want to read your children or improve your own reading habits, it is advisable to set reading goals that are easy to reach. For example, book a schedule to read, such as after eating or before sleeping. Thus, reading becomes an activity followed day after day and does not require as much effort as that.

Iwona Walker

Iwona Walker is a passionate educator, dedicated to transforming the landscape of learning through innovation and creativity. With a background in educational psychology and a fervent belief in the power of technology to enhance education, Iwona has spent years exploring ways to make learning engaging, personalized, and accessible to all.

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